Reviews of house or flat to rent at

27 Balfour Road, Radford, Nottingham, NG7 1NY

Average Property Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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27 Balfour Road, Radford, Nottingham

Reviewed 29 May 2020
The place is a ‘dump’. When we first moved in, there were filled bin bags everywhere, and it took the agency about a month to remove it. We had to buy our own bin because there wasn’t one, despite on the inventory list saying there was. Mould in the bathrooms. Paint peeling off everywhere and when we asked if they could pain the wall, the agency said no because it was only ‘wear and tear’. They didn’t tell us how to set the alarm and only gave us the code. The front door and patio door had the cheapest and weakest locks in the world, could easily been have burgled. When the heating broke in the winter, it took them about a week to even do anything. When our washing machine broke, instead of just ordering a new one, the maintenance people came and tried to fix it for like 4 hours, ended up just taking it apart, and had to wait 2 weeks for a new working washing machine. Other issues such as severely stained mattresses, broken desk chairs were never fixed. Overall, the house was bare, with plain cream walls that were coming off.
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