Reviews of house or flat to rent at

50 Hammersley Road, Canning Town South, London, E16 1RA

Average Property Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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50 Hammersley Road, Canning Town South, London

Reviewed 8 September 2020
Extortionate rent for a smaller-than-average shoebox room, where the window doesn't even open (but hey - you get a second door which goes outside of the flat, gee thanks). In the summer you get a nice greenhouse effect, because who doesn't like sleeping when it's 28 degrees (I'm not kidding) in their bedroom?
Forget about walking barefoot in the flat, because the flatmate can\'t be bothered to do bare minimum floor sweeping (his 'time is too valuable for cleaning, and besides - it's the cleaner's job', yeah, maybe, if the cleaner came every other day that would be acceptable, but not twice a month). Fancy bits of week-old noodles sticking to your feet?
Oh and I forgot to mention another brilliant fact about the room - you know the window that I said doesn't open? You also have the neighbour's kitchen window looking directly into your room, along with walkways going past the flat, where you'll be exposed in all your prime - forget about ever keeping the blinds up or seeing any sun
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