Reviews of house or flat to rent at

Eversholt Street London, St Pancras, London, NW1

Average Property Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Eversholt Street London, St Pancras, London

Reviewed 27 November 2020
The property is basically a dump located on the basement of a pretty old and rusty building. The ceiling in the bathroom is moldy (which the landlord refused to fix or even acknowledge it), the toilet is not properly isolated and rats and other insects from the abandoned restaurant upstairs can and will enter the bathroom, the electrical system is "almost dangerously faulty" according to the electrician which performed the annual check a few months ago and the storage room will always be dirty, wet and cold since it is also serves as the 'natural air' source. Also, the place comes with no natural light. None.
All in all, it is an awful studio (which is definitely not suited for couples) which should be avoided.
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