Reviews of house or flat to rent at

35c Canadian Avenue, Rushey Green, London, SE6 3AU

Average Property Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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35c Canadian Avenue, Rushey Green, London

Reviewed 13 February 2021
Had rising damp in the living room which when we first told the agency within a few months of moving in they tried to fob us off saying the peeling paint was from condensation! Lived here 2.5 years and within that time when I told them about the peeling paint again the landlord and agent came round to measure the wall temperature and said they'd have a company come around to inspect which they did and said it was rising damp and the repairs meant that we'd have to clear the whole room for them to fix it. Never had the agency come back to us about it, and at that time I worked from home so didn't chase up because I didn't particularly want the disruption.
The reason we left in the end was because of the anal neighbour who lives above who because she owns her flat thinks she can dictate how the other 3 neighbours get to live. She is free to have her kitchen done and scaffolding put up around the whole house without notifying anyone, but will hassle you for daring to leave something outside your door.
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