52 Nightingale Shott

Egham Town, Egham, TW20 9SX
⭐ Ratings and reviews

Reviews of house or flat to rent at 52 Nightingale Shott, Egham Town, Egham, TW20 9SX

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Property reviews (1)
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24 August 2022
Property was falling to pieces when I moved in. The vinyl flooring kept peeling up, the showers were leaky and had poor pressure, and the boiler cupboard was broken and on pieces on the floor. Myself and my housemate had to move it to the downstairs bathroom to avoid it breaking further, which meant we had one bathroom less. There were letters and junk mail dating from 2005 strewn across the kitchen side, all surfaces were dusty. The heating was broken and the landlord took forever to deal with it. The walls are paper thin so if someone is speaking in another room, you can hear everything. you’ll never find parking- people will just use your space.

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