Ls15 7rb Sycamore Avenue

Halton, Leeds, LS15 7RB
⭐ Ratings and reviews

Reviews of house or flat to rent at Ls15 7rb Sycamore Avenue, Halton, Leeds, LS15 7RB

5 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Average property rating
Property reviews (1)
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26 October 2023
Looks nice at first glance, decently sized. There are cracks down the ceilings and walls and when you look at the brick work in the garden you can see signs of subsiding on the property, and we noticed our furniture was slanted because of this. The walls are paper thin and at the point of leaving one of the neighbours was a nightmare playing loud music all of the time, she owns her place so assume she is still there. Carpets upstairs are really old and grotty, we had to give them a good clean when we moved in.

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