Reviews of house or flat to rent at

35 Wellesley Road, Gospel Oak, London, NW5 4PN

Average Property Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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35 Wellesley Road, Gospel Oak, London

Reviewed 5 April 2018
The house where do i start.. the living room. One window is locked and no one has the key who ever closed it didnt close it properly so with a hard push from outside anyone can come in. Also when the wind blows a lot there will be an opening between the frame and the window which makes it cold. Heating only works 3 months a year so if its already cold in oct be ready to freeze .. kitchen - door has been broken for 2 years ive lived here invested with ants which crawl into anything and everything.. washing machine does not have a drying option and sometimes leaves clothes soaked so you have to spin again.. - bathroom old old old old tiles are broken never fixed again toilet has brown stains from the brown water that you will get also in the sink so let water running for a bit before using it because i dont know where the brown water comes from. No power in the shower its a sad bit of water that comes out and ive tried everything. You either have a hot shower or cold shower water hard to find a middle ground. Bathroom also invested with ants.. they will crawl everywhere even in your contact case... bedroom.. not much about this
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