335 Brackenhurst Lane

Southwell, Southwell, NG25 0QF
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Landlord Property Area
⭐ Tenancy review
Ivy accommodation
8 ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Overall tenancy rating
Date reviewed
5 February 2020

Nottingham Trent University Na, Nottingham

7 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Landlord rating
Maintenance team will fix issues. Sometimes will ignore Emails on frequent issues on campus.
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335 Brackenhurst Lane, Southwell, Southwell

7 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Property rating
Brand new accommodation. Occasional issues with heating. Good quality rooms with double beds
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Southwell, Southwell

10 ★★★★★★★★★★
Area rating
Brackenhurst campus. Nice enough neighbours. Good bar on site. Idk what else to say here
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