Gay Street Pulborough

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Landlord Letting Agent Property Area
⭐ Tenancy review
I rented a property right out of a Brothers Grimm story.
3 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Overall tenancy rating
Date reviewed
3 October 2022

Susan Sue Unthank, Pulborough

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Landlord rating
An old woman who seemed nice at first but as soon as I had signed the contract and was on her hook, she turned volatile. She harassed me, bullied me, demanded outrageous and illegal things of me. I had to block her on my phone but this lead to her letting herself into my property. I wasn't allowed my own bins despite paying council tax and she forbid me from putting my own bins on the property and demanded I keep sharing hers. I was only allowed to park on the driveway if I reversed into my space to show the front of my car, never the back. It looked better this way to her and otherwise I would be shouted at. I wasn't allowed visitors as they weren't allowed to park anywhere near the property, even on pubic land across the road from her house, as she felt entitled to it. She comes in the bottom of the property whenever she pleases and causes noise at all hours. She is a control freak and likes to pick on people, bully them and control their actions.
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Henry Adams, Storrington

3 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Letting Agent rating
The lettings agent we used was Henry Adams, the Storrington branch. Only once we had signed the tenancy agreement did my landlord find out I had a pet, and I found out they did not want pets. Despite the landlord telling the agents they did not wants pets, and me telling the agents I had a pet. They dropped the ball big time. During my tenancy they were very unhelpful and felt no duty of care to me as I pleaded for help when being harassed, bullied or stalked by the landlord, or being demanded outrageous and illegal things. I guess they don't care unless you're a landlord that pays their bills.
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Gay Street Pulborough, Horsham District, Pulborough

2 ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Property rating
The property is a converted barn, it's supposed to be a separate building but the landlord uses a lot of the buildings amenities and space. The walls have cracks inside and outside so rats and mice can come inside easily, they live in the walls. Holes in all the window frames allow hornets, insects and birds to get into the property. The heating doesn't actually heat the place as it's trying to heat a big wooden cavity, it isn't worth the money. There's no insulation so it's freezing over the winter. The property is 10 feet from the landlord's house. The driveway is shared and so are the bins, despite paying for council tax.
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Horsham District, Pulborough

4 ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Area rating
The neighbours are nice, lots of dog walkers, lots of nature and pathways. Unfortunately all the roads are littered with massive potholes which blew out on of my tyres a few months ago. There is a lot of fly tipping on our road, and no speed limit. No shops close by, the nearest is a tiny gas station about a 10 minutes drive away. It's a nice concept to live in the middle of nowhere, but the reality is a bit of a pain.
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