Letting agent reviews for

Varcity Living, Bangor

Average agency Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 3
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Varcity Living, Bangor

Reviewed 13 July 2020
Unresponsive and didn’t seem to care about anything other than making money.

For example, I complained about the terrible smell in the property when I first moved in (the previous owner’s dog had wee’d on the floor and it was not cleaned properly) they did little to resolve it.
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Varcity Living, Bangor

Reviewed 31 March 2019
Poor communication, agency just want your money and they are not happy to resolve any landlord or housemate issues that you so wish to request. Serious issues have been arisen with the agency and nothing was done or supported. They just kept mentioning about myself as a rent payer wishing to move out I must cover my rent at their property. That's all they care about! They supported us very little when any contracts were breached by the landlord or by housemates, and were only interested in us sending the landlord to court ourselves, with no direct input from them. Passing the responsibility on? I have asked for support and advice and they only wish to set up 'meetings' to then feed back to us. They have poorly dealt with breaches of contracts between housemates also, asking myself to deal with the situation myself as they clearly don't realise the seriousness of any presented situations.
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Varcity Living, Bangor

Reviewed 16 June 2017
The agency were unresponsive and unhelpful. They failed to fix things that went wrong or give us any update following our reports up. The agency charge higher than the average rent for a very poor quality service, and tried to scare first time student renters into taking the property without a real source of information or guidance. They failed to let us know when there were any viewings, therefore we would have strangers pop in 24/7 without warning- one time an extra housemate was added without giving us notice! We arrived to the property with broken keys, broken doors, mould and skips in the backyard, and the rest of the streets sofas/fridges in our living room due to poor organisation. When our boiler broke in the middle of winter, their handyman had to help us off his own accord as they failed to help. He was the only saving grace of the company. At the end of the tenancy, they failed to provide our deposit back within the agreed time frame, and deducted huge amounts of money for no good reason.
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