Letting agent reviews for

Cliftons, Bristol

Average agency Rating: 5
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Cliftons, Bristol

Reviewed 16 April 2019
All communication with the landlord was through the agency (Cliftons) which seemed not to be used to dealing with a student letting, but were all lovely in personal communication. I think the agency might have changed since. The fees were incredibly high, IIRC £600+ per person split between a load of different categories by the end (so initial "agency fee" was £300 or so but then extra charges for stuff like inventory doubling it as time went on). Slow at times, with no out of hour emergency number which was a massive faff when a power cut led to a burglar alarm we didn't know existed going off all night long until they came into the office at nine the next door and managed to get the code from the landlord at 11. We now know that we're entitled to the landlord's address/number but didn't know at the time and weren't given them.
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