Letting agent reviews for

Centurions Property in United Kingdom

Average agency Rating: 5
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Centurions Property, Manchester

Reviewed 7 July 2020
There was also lack of communication, the agency changed half way through. The person we were supposed to contact kept changing which we only found out because he ignored our messages and then we got informed he wasn’t the one we contact anymore. When we contacted anyone about the house we would be ignored and it would take a while for a response. Our most recent agent was the best we had, she was quick to respond.
Also, when we arrived the house had been sold to a different agency and we weren’t informed. I was the first to get there and I told them the day and time I was coming however, it took ages for someone to let me in. Turns out they had sold it and because it was selling between agencies no one had bothered to clean it or anything so the house was in a horrific state when we got there to which I just burst out in tears. They did offer me a hotel to stay in while they sorted it though but obviously as a student who had come back really excited to live in a student house, I didn’t want to do this. Our deposits were also lost in the process as our property was sold between agencies I don’t even know how many times. We had to go to the university to get this sorted. We continued to live in this house for another year because we were comfortable and we liked our spacious rooms as that was a good part of the house but it was just a horrific place to live in. The shocking thing is this was an expensive house compared to other way nicer houses in Bangor. I do NOT recommend living here despite the good location.
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