Landlord reviews for

Aziz - in Birmingham

Average Landlord Rating: 5
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Aziz -, Birmingham

Reviewed 13 May 2021
We saw them often because there were a lot of things to be repaired - probably something every 3-4 weeks.

I have to give them due credit where it’s deserved, as soon as we got his phone number we were able to reach them quickly and usually he came to fix stuff straight away/ within a day or two depending on the severity of the problem. They were amicable enough.

They do repair everything themselves, often with second hand parts which might be the reason things are inclined to break/ are never really truly fixed as they’re cheap and just need replacing.

They weren’t very nice about the extension stuff mentioned previously. Having builders inside the house when unexpected and loud building work placed a lot of stress on us and we asked for our rent to be reduced that month. All we got was £30 each. We took it because he agreed to stop building and it wasn’t worth the stress - there wasn’t much else we could do.
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