Landlord reviews for

Luisa Papa in Sheffield

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Luisa Papa, Sheffield

Reviewed 15 January 2022
I found Luisa an extremely unpleasant landlord. She seemed lovely until we moved in. We felt that certain features of the house had been falsely advertised to us, namely a "bike store" which was entirely not fit for purpose. After we asked her to rectify this, I felt that her communication became very aggressive and unprofessional. This caused us a lot of stress. Repairs generally only happened after we had emailed her several times and were often done to a poor standard, if at all.
I got the impression that Luisa had a very poor understanding of housing law and of tenants' rights. In my opinion, she is incompetent and unfit to be a landlord. We were good, reliable tenants and I felt bullied and taken advantage of. I would discourage anyone from renting from Greenwich Development, however charming the landlord manages to come across on the phone.
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