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Landlord reviews for Ian And Myra Bye in Ampney St Peter
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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26 August 2023
In one word - avoid! We experienced such upsetting issues with Ian and Myra Bye, the landlords of The Old Packhorse Inn Ampney St Peter, that despite the £10k we spent moving and setting up the house, we very quickly decided to register with local agents in an attempt to find an alternative property. We shared a 5 page formal complaint over the ongoing harassment, abuse, and gross invasion of privacy which destroyed our family life in the time we lived there, but unfortunately did not receive any response whatsoever. Once we finally found a property to move to (in a very challenging property market) the landlord went on to fabricate multiple claims against our deposit which are currently still in dispute. We are now preparing a claim for significant damages. A truly miserable experience, which sadly was only solved by taking ourselves out of the situation.