Landlord reviews for

Ruth Griffith in Bangor

Average Landlord Rating: 8
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Ruth Griffith, Bangor

Reviewed 21 August 2018
Our landlady rarely visited, as her son who works for her mainly dealt with our queries. We only saw her a handful of times, but she was nice. Her son was very responsive and friendly, as well as understanding. If we didn't have the money on the day rent was due, they would allow us some time to gather it and pay when we could, which was essential when waiting for student loans to come in. When we reported anything faulty or damaged, they were very quick to arrange someone to either sort it out or replace it. We never had an issue with either the landlady or her son during our tenancy, and was very happy being under contract with them. They also allowed one of the tenants to keep her pet guinea pigs in the house, which she was very grateful for.
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