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Landlord reviews for Patricia Warwick-evans in Southampton

2 ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (2)
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22 May 2020
Where do I begin.
Lawrence & Pat are very unprofessional, cold people. They probably have kids and I wonder if they'd be happy if they lived in a property like this when they were students? Course not.
It isn't right to treat your tenants how they did, they were pretty rude to us. Plus the house is probably a health hazard.

Just like the 1st review, the landlords walked in to the property whenever they fancied, giving us no notice at all. One of them walked into my friends room without knocking when she was in a towel.

They took a considerable amount of our deposit away for 'cleaning fees' but we really cleaned the property and left it in a WAY better condition than how it was.

What topped this utterly nightmarish experience (2nd is the tree growing into the living room), was that they scheduled noisy building works during our university exam period and didn't ask us or give us any warning. There was so much banging, crashing and interruption in the house during this exam period. Literally the worst timing. They probably did it on purpose
11 March 2019
Landlady is honestly so rude and impolite. She and her husband just comes and goes into the house without giving us prior notice half of the time. We had an issue with there being a bike in the house's front room and she got super angry about it. Instead to talking to me calmly about it, she stormed up to my room, banged heavily on my door and shouted at me the moment I opened my room door. She handed me a letter too which was not only insulting to me, but was also insulting to my family as she decided it was a good idea to drag my family into it... Honestly never met anyone so immature!

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