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Landlord reviews for Mohammed Choudhary in Aldershot
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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14 September 2019
Landlord was contacted within the first week of renting this property and we were swiftly told to contact the agency, despite not having a managed contract. "Do not speak to me" w're his words. The agency insisted we contact him because the contract wasn't managed and he outright refused to speak to us. He outright lied about the front door saying no one else had complained about it, despite other landlords on other flats within the property knowing it was an issue and asking him to contribute to repair cost. The water heater broke leaving us with no hot water for nearly a week and he only sorted out a plumber once the council got involved. The council know he is a terrible landlord and on phoning them to report the hot water issue his name was mentioned "I knew you were going to say his name" was the response from the council worker.