Landlord reviews for

Justin Whittmore in Ashland

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Justin Whittmore, Ashland

Reviewed 2 October 2019
Landlord takes absolutely no responsibility for the house or the happiness of its tenants. Communication is shocking, and if you try and explain to him how unhappy you are with the state of the house he says it’s an ‘attack’ and I should stop emailing him, when all I said was that I was appalled at the lack of respect he seems to have for us tenants. I sent emails about the things that were wrong with the house, I asked about the cleaner and I was just told to speak to the handy man who came and fixed probably 3 or the 10 items on the snagging list and the rest of my concerns were ignored. It seems that he’s more interested in making money then in the happiness and safety of his tenants.
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