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Landlord reviews for Wendy Garrett in Aberdeen

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Landlord reviews (5)
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13 July 2024
Wish I had found this site before I had letted from this lady. She was sweet as sugar until my name was on a dotted line then it was a complete 180. It took me seeking council and aid from various organizations and individuals such as Aberdeen City Council(so thankful for these guys taking action on my behalf), Shelter Scotland(also wonderful because I was in a situation of being homeless), citizens advice(very good at putting you in the right direction for help) and multiple solicitors(all first consultations are free, use them) to get out of the mess I was in. ‘dubious’ and ‘unbelievable’ are two words that kept coming up to describe her business practices and I based on my experiences completely agreed. I won’t bore you with details here read the other post about her and her properties. Everything you read on those seems spot on with what I had experienced as well as so much more. Thankfully, with solid legal advice, I was able to get my property back and my deposit and first month rent to eventually find another place. this post is based on my personal experiences and my opinion of the landlord.
12 March 2024
Worst landlord ever, repairs took at least two weeks to complete and I went a month without an oven due to it being second hand and not serviced. repairs were done by her husband and not to a good standard. the gas and electric were not serviced either and is supposed to be done every year or two. She also increased my rent 3 times in the space of 9 months and above the 3% cap set by the government, and when I said I could not pay this she said she will have to sell and could not afford. However, she would happily go on 4 holidays abroad in a year, also landlords do have insurance for this kind of situation as well and the government was offering help for any landlord in this situation. she would also speak to neighbours about private and confidential stuff involving me and other tenants.
21 August 2023
Slowish repairs. When leaving she gathered us and belittled us for moving house. 6 of us were needing to split up and downsize as quite a chaotic house size and needing a smaller groups for the later years of university. She complained that we were going to ruin her if we moved out.. yet she had boasted to parents about her amount of properties. Multiple other tenants from multiple different tenancies agree with me that she was overbearing, rude and unprofessional.
20 May 2020
This was the worst landlord I’ve ever had. Overbearing and unreasonable to say the least. She repeatedly showed up to the property unannounced and would let herself in. She dictated to me where I was allowed to keep my belongings after I moved in - and yelled at me on one occasion. Repairs were performed by her husband and his tool box. The toilet began to leak shortly after I moved in and wasn’t fixed by the time I moved out two months later. I was a first year student at the time and on two occasions this woman called my parents to complain about me - once because I had asked her to remove furniture that was not in the property when I signed the lease and I had been told I could bring my own furniture at the first viewing, and a second time when I had told her I was moving out to threaten my dad with a lawyer despite the fact I was still paying the rent as per the agreement until I found a replacement tenant for my room. I’ve been renting for 4 years since I lived there and not once have I met someone as awful as she was.
12 April 2022
Wendy Garrett replied:
20 May 2020
She came to the house unannounced, didn't keep to verbal agreements and charged us an illegal fee when we moved out. She has lots of houses in Aberdeen and often rents to students.
12 April 2022
Wendy Garrett replied:
The house was freshly decorated and yes had a striped carpet which I agree was not the most expensive but the reason for this is because after only living in the room for two months she left that carpet covered in make up, two hair straight et burns and a tea stain which started half way up my white wall, Idid ask for part of her deposit to cover this damage which is what she is referring to as ilegal charges. To other numerous complaints, the back door is a fire escape so does have to have a thumb turn lock, arm chairs and coffee table in her room? NO landlord is going to go to the trouble of putting extra furniture ina house if it is not required, but what I would say is that I would refuse to remove my furniture from a furnished house to accommodate the princesses huge amount of goods, she also asked me to remove all the kitchen items to make room for her goods, I refused to do this as this would mean that the other tenants would be beholden to her and they told me they did not want this, I put things in kitchens for everyone’s use and if things get broken it is not a big deal and if I had removed my furniture I would have had to pay to have it all brought back just two months later when she and her side kick decided they didn’t want to live in a big house with other people. As for the comment about my husband turning up with his toolbox to do repairs? Yes this happens very quickly when a tenant logs a problem, usually on the same day, how many tenants can say they get the same service? As for letting myself in to a property, this just doesn’t happen, I am a respected LAS member and have held several HMO licences over the last 20 years, this means that I would never risk losing a licence to enter unannounced in what I regard as someone’s own home! It might have been the case that one of her housemates had asked for a repair but not notified her, she was not very nice to her housemates and communication had all but broken down before she left. Once she left The other tenants were a lot more relaxed and I helped them to find replacement housemates and the other tenants lived happily until the end of their tenancy. The tenants living there now tell me they love the house and are very happy, they are looking after the house beautifully and I look after them, But I accept that in this business all tenants are not going to be nice tenants, You will notice that I did not stoop so low as to publish the Princesses name, but I am sure everyone concerned knows exactly who this is?

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