Property data for

65, Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

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Energy Performance info for 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

Information in this section describes the energy efficiency of 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE. It is obtained from Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and may not be 100% accurate or up-to-date. You can search energy certificates here.
Date of EPC
24 October 2018
EPC valid until
23 October 2028
Energy rating
Potential energy rating
Property type
Built form
Fully double glazed
Room heaters, electric
Main fuel
CO2 emissions
4.5 tonnes/year
Total floor area
43 m2
Mains gas

Since 1 April 2020, it's been unlawful for landlords of a domestic property to hold a tenancy with new or existing tenants if the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) has a rating of either F or G.

Landlords can find more information about their Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) obligations here.

Energy Performance Improvement Suggestions for 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

Information in this section suggests ways to improve the energy efficiency of 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE. It is obtained from Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Other properties in Myatts Fields South

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Nearest Jobcentre to 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

This section shows where the nearest Job Centre is from 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE and directions from the TfL website.
Jebb House, 155-157 Clapham Road, London SW9 0QQ

Road Noise Levels at 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

Data in this section shows the road noise levels at 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE. UK Health Security Agency talks about the health impacts of road noise on our lives.
Not on a major traffic route.

Air Quality Levels for 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

'Lambeth - Brixton Road' is the closest air quality measurement station to 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE. Public Health England gives a summary of why poor air quality impacts our lives.
Lambeth - Brixton Road
Nitrogen Dioxide
200 µg/m³ as a 1 hour mean, not to be exceeded more than 18 times a year
Nitrogen Dioxide
40 µg/m³ as an annual mean
PM10 Particulate
40 µg/m³ as an annual mean
PM10 Particulate
50 µg/m³ as a 24 hour mean, not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year
PM2.5 Particulate
25 µg/m³ as an annual mean

Other properties in SW9 6PE

Nearest Green Spaces to 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

Here are the closest public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas and allotments to 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE. The Natural History Museum provides information on why green spaces are important to our health.
Distance to public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas and allotments.
Play Space
29 m
Allotments Or Community Growing Spaces
213 m
Slade Gardens
234 m
Other Sports Facility
285 m
Eythorne Park
358 m

Elevation above sea level for 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

Height above sea level for 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE is listed here. The River Thames Scheme represents a new landscape-based approach to creating healthier, more resilient, and more sustainable communities.
10 m

Nearest Post Office to 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE

This section shows where the nearest Post Office is from 65 Evesham Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6PE and its opening times.
Brixton Road
9:30am - 7pm
9:30am - 7pm
9:30am - 7pm
9:30am - 7pm
9:30am - 7pm
10:30am - 5:30pm

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