Property data for

Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

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Energy Performance info for Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

Information in this section describes the energy efficiency of Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE. It is obtained from Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and may not be 100% accurate or up-to-date. You can search energy certificates here.
Date of EPC
3 September 2009
EPC valid until
2 September 2019
Energy rating
Potential energy rating
Property type
Built form
Single glazed
Boiler and radiators, mains gas
Main fuel
Mains gas
CO2 emissions
3.4 tonnes/year
Total floor area
68 m2
Mains gas

This property may not have a valid EPC. If you’re living in this rented property your landlord might not be complying with their legal obligations. You can read more here.

Energy Performance Improvement Suggestions for Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

Information in this section suggests ways to improve the energy efficiency of Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE. It is obtained from Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Replacement of traditional light bulbs with energy saving recommended ones will reduce lighting costs over the lifetime of the bulb, and they last up to 12 times longer than ordinary light bulbs. Also consider selecting low energy light fittings when redecorating; contact the Lighting Association for your nearest stockist of Domestic Energy Efficient Lighting Scheme fittings.
Thermostatic radiator valves allow the temperature of each room to be controlled to suit individual needs, adding to comfort and reducing heating bills provided internal doors are kept closed. For example, they can be set to be warmer in the living room and bathroom than in the bedrooms. Ask a competent heating engineer to install thermostatic radiator valves. Thermostatic radiator valves should be fitted to every radiator except the radiator in the same room as the room thermostat. Remember the room thermostat is needed as well as the thermostatic radiator valves, to enable the boiler to switch off when no heat is required.
A condensing boiler is capable of much higher efficiencies than other types of boiler, meaning it will burn less fuel to heat this property. This improvement is most appropriate when the existing central heating boiler needs repair or replacement, but there may be exceptional circumstances making this impractical. Condensing boilers need a drain for the condensate which limits their location; remember this when considering remodelling the room containing the existing boiler even if the latter is to be retained for the time being (for example a kitchen makeover). Building Regulations apply to this work, so your local authority building control department should be informed, unless the installer is registered with a competent persons scheme?, and can therefore self-certify the work for Building Regulation compliance. Ask a qualified heating engineer to explain the options.
Double glazing is the term given to a system where two panes of glass are made up into a sealed unit. Replacing existing single-glazed windows with double glazing will improve comfort in the home by reducing draughts and cold spots near windows. Double-glazed windows may also reduce noise, improve security and combat problems with condensation. Building Regulations apply to this work, so either use a contractor who is registered with a competent persons scheme? or obtain advice from your local authority building control department.
Solid wall insulation involves adding a layer of insulation to either the inside or the outside surface of the external walls, which reduces heat loss and lowers fuel bills. As it is more expensive than cavity wall insulation it is only recommended for walls without a cavity, or where for technical reasons a cavity cannot be filled. Internal insulation, known as dry-lining, is where a layer of insulation is fixed to the inside surface of external walls; this type of insulation is best applied when rooms require redecorating and can be installed by a competent DIY enthusiast. External solid wall insulation is the application of an insulant and a weather-protective finish to the outside of the wall. This may improve the look of the home, particularly where existing brickwork or rendering is poor, and will provide long-lasting weather protection. Further information can be obtained from the National Insulation Association ( It should be noted that planning permission might be required.

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Nearest Jobcentre to Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

This section shows where the nearest Job Centre is from Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE and directions from the TfL website.
London Bridge
Coburg House, 63-67 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6LS

Road Noise Levels at Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

Data in this section shows the road noise levels at Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE. UK Health Security Agency talks about the health impacts of road noise on our lives.
Not on a major traffic route.

Air Quality Levels for Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

'Southwark - Elephant and Castle' is the closest air quality measurement station to Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE. Public Health England gives a summary of why poor air quality impacts our lives.
Southwark - Elephant and Castle
Nitrogen Dioxide
200 µg/m³ as a 1 hour mean, not to be exceeded more than 18 times a year
Nitrogen Dioxide
40 µg/m³ as an annual mean
100 µg/m³ as an 8 hour mean, not to be exceeded more than 10 times a year
PM10 Particulate
40 µg/m³ as an annual mean
PM10 Particulate
50 µg/m³ as a 24 hour mean, not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year
PM2.5 Particulate
25 µg/m³ as an annual mean

Other properties in SE17 1BE

Nearest Green Spaces to Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

Here are the closest public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas and allotments to Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE. The Natural History Museum provides information on why green spaces are important to our health.
Distance to public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas and allotments.
Play Space
104 m
Other Sports Facility
148 m
Victory Community Park
163 m
Nursery Row Park
186 m
Browning Settlement Garden
207 m

Elevation above sea level for Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

Height above sea level for Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE is listed here. The River Thames Scheme represents a new landscape-based approach to creating healthier, more resilient, and more sustainable communities.
6 m

Nearest Post Office to Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE

This section shows where the nearest Post Office is from Flat 6 Block C, Peabody Estate, Rodney Road, London, SE17 1BE and its opening times.
Bartholomew Street
7am - 10pm
7am - 10pm
7am - 10pm
7am - 10pm
7am - 10pm
7am - 10pm
9am - 10pm

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