Reviews of house or flat to rent at

242 Abingdon Road, Cold Harbour, Oxford, OX1 4SP

Average Property Rating: 4
Number of times reviewed: 1
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242 Abingdon Road, Cold Harbour, Oxford

Reviewed 7 August 2020
It is a good property, the building itself is nice, but sadly the landlord has let it fall into bad shape. All the appliances are the cheapest second hand appliances she can find, so they break regularly. At any time during the year I stayed there, multiple things in the house were broken.
The lawn is also mostly unusable. Kath told us a gardener was included, and would come round to mow the lawn. We were not given access to a lawnmower of our own. This gardener came once in the year I was there, leaving the lawn overgrown and unusable.
Kath also has abandoned an old boiler and broken mirror in the garden and seems to have no inclination to remove them.
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