Reviews of house or flat to rent at

139 Yorkhill Street, Anderstoncityyorkhill, Glasgow, G3 8NS

Average Property Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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139 Yorkhill Street, Anderstoncityyorkhill, Glasgow

Reviewed 6 September 2020
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here"

Flat 1/2.

To be honest, the fact the door number is written in marker pen should have been a warning of what to expect. To give you an idea of how little has been spent on decorating and maintaining the property - there's not even carpet plates between rooms. Tenants will want to ensure they always have footwear on as there is a particularly nasty carpet pin between hall and smaller bedroom. The toilet is from a different set to the sink and bath. I would recommend any tenant brings their own toilet seat. The cheap flimsy plastic one provided by the landlord is not large enough to fully cover the outer rim of the toilet bowl. The walls are heavily marked in places, yet never been repainted.

Property was handed over in disgusting condition with broken fridge, storage heater, & hot water. Apparently the storage heater had broken a few times before I moved in and the landlord was recommended it be replaced but refused.

It's also probably the coldest place I have ever lived. The panel heaters are not cut out for the job and I had to buy three portable heaters. Even then they need to be permanently on as the place doesn't retain any heat. Standing next to the windows in winter feels like standing in front of an open freezer. Decent draft comes in round the frames on all of them. There's also a half inch gap under the front door.

See photos of hand over condition and general condition of the property here -
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