31 Addison Road

Southsea, Southsea, PO4 0DZ
⭐ Ratings and reviews

Reviews of house or flat to rent at 31 Addison Road, Southsea, Southsea, PO4 0DZ

3 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Average property rating
Property reviews (1)
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6 January 2021
4 reasonable sized bedrooms
Mattress and rubbish in overgrown garden
Mould throughout and a water bubble in the ceiling
Paint falling off the walls throughout
Dirty carpet
Uncovered gas meter in one bedroom
Broken furniture
Back door did not lock for most of September
Fire alarm was broken on arrival
No hot water for all of November
Leaking toilet for over a month
Broken shower for most of September
Thin walls so can hear neighbours talking
Charged nearly £80 a month each for bills

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