Reviews of house or flat to rent at

230 Hubert Road, Bournbrook, Birmingham, B29 6EP

Average Property Rating: 4
Number of times reviewed: 1
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230 Hubert Road, Bournbrook, Birmingham

Reviewed 13 May 2021
Not clean upon arrival - things like blood in the sink. NOS canisters underneath the sofa cushions. We even found someone’s wallet.

Dangerous looking electrics - oven and washing machine plug hanging out of the wall. Behind drawers. Kitchen basically falling apart - drawers came out multiple times and were screwed back into place. Not much building work has been done properly so faults just kept appearing and reappearing throughout the year. Things don’t really get replaced - usually fixed, by the landlord himself. But then they just come apart again. This is definitely the case with all of the cheap bedroom furniture. I don’t think any of the beds have straight frames at the bottom.

6 rooms - although there will be 7 next academic year - he has a half finished extension in the garden that he didn’t actually tell us about and started building without us knowing during our contract.

5 of the rooms are spacious, one is tiny - they have literally carved a bed into the wall to be able to fit it. That room has a bit of mould in too.

The bathroom situation is a bit dire - 4 share 1 bathroom which you have to walk across the kitchen and living room to get to. En-suite showers are unreliable - often being too hot or cold so sometimes we even use the inconvenient downstairs bathroom.
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