Reviews of house or flat to rent at

29 Newlands Park, Penge And Cator, London, SE26 5PN

Average Property Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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29 Newlands Park, Penge And Cator, London

Reviewed 19 December 2021
The bedroom develops terrible mould on the corner from the top all the way over the window and far wall. The room never stays warm and from the cracks in the ceiling you can tell the wall needs serious attention. The two extractor fans (one in bathroom and one in kitchen) were only installed this year after 2 years of being ignored re. the mould and after I, as the tenant, started contacting mould specialists to sort the problem out as I was going to bed every night with a sore, tight throat from reactions to breathing in the black mould spores.

The bathroom was so badly designed with no tiling covering half of the wall where the shower water hits that the below neighbour complained of leaks into her flat throughout our 3 years there, with the landlord allowing it to continue happening to the point that the leak made it's way into the bedroom through the plug socket and flooring damaging my furniture.

The flat also has a mice problem in which we caught over 3 mice in traps in the kitchen, and you can hear them running in the floorboards and chewing the carpet around the radiators all night.

One of the neighbours close to the flat is unable to close her door quietly, and is constantly coming and going an abnormal amount of times throughout the day and middle of the night.
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