Reviews of house or flat to rent at

94a Exeter Road, Bournbrook Selly Park, Birmingham, B29 6EX

Average Property Rating: 6
Number of times reviewed: 2
Reviews aren't verified by Marks Out Of Tenancy but we check for and remove fake reviews and content when we’re informed.

94a Exeter Road, Bournbrook Selly Park, Birmingham

Reviewed 23 July 2020
We had 6 rooms, all of which were very clean and modern. The house had a camera in the doorbell too so we could see who was at the door.
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94a Exeter Road, Bournbrook Selly Park, Birmingham

Reviewed 1 May 2019
94a Exeter road is located above campus wines. It is a 6 bedroom, 2 bathroom house although when advertised this is slightly misleading... whilst the house has 2 showers you can't use both at once as there is no water pressure, so if anyone washes up whilst you're in the shower good luck because it goes freezing cold. The house has mould behind some cupboard and in the bathroom we have tried to remove but couldn't as there isn't enough ventilation. The water is just chucked outside from a pipe so the entire back wall is now eroding away, the floors are disgusting and were not clean when we moved in. we have had to call out insecticide companies to remove fleas from the carpet as we were all constantly being bitten, the house has holes and is extremely cold, it has no insulation. The boiler has had numerous issues, there are multiple fire hazards in the house and the downstairs sofas are so sunken in it's like just sitting on wood.
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