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Landlord reviews for Angela Barr in Birmingham

3 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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8 March 2022
The best I can describe the landlord would be polite, which is fine for a neighbour but as the sole redeeming quality of a landlord it is worthless. Landlord clearly, through behaviour, just wanted an easy source of passive income, concerns about flat were largely ignored or dismissed, the small amount of repairs they organised were done unprofessionally by a family member and resulted in damage to other things which then took months to repair. Inability to collect their own abandoned property and mail which took up not insignificant space. Denial of a smart meter being installed without adequate reasoning given.

She's a great landlord except for any situation in which you need her to do anything or act reasonably.

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