Letting agent reviews for

Dafydd Hardy, Students

Average agency Rating: 4
Number of times reviewed: 6
Reviews aren't verified by Marks Out Of Tenancy but we check for and remove fake reviews and content when we’re informed.

Dafydd Hardy, Bangor

Reviewed 16 July 2019
Balmed it all in us. Didn't help when asked. Frequently complained but nothing was done. All they did was hire a person to clean the mould which cameback.
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Dafydd Hardy, Bangor

Reviewed 10 July 2019
Poor. Boiler remained broken for too long. I suppose when it's not you sleeping in a coat in -10 Celcius and you're getting your money from exuberantletting fees, why should you care?
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Dafydd Hardy, Bangor

Reviewed 19 October 2018
Dafydd Hardy. Absolutely awful experience.
Extremely patronising to students (e.g. suddenly asking for payment for services which had never been mentioned or warned about previously, and then acting as if you are stupid when you question why you are paying these amounts).
Staff act as though they don't want to be working in the student housing department.
Did not make charges clear at all so you end up paying for services you didn't know existed. Very dangerous if you live loan too loan.
Staff super unhelpful when there were issues.
Showed some even worse houses than the one we ended up having to settle for.
General avoid.
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Dafydd Hardy, Bangor

Reviewed 18 August 2018
Usually very slow to carry out any kind of maintenance and usually required reminding. Then contractors would be called on the day of repairs so thatwe never had reasonable notice of them coming to the property.
Some repairs never got done, which was a particular issue when those repairs involved damp.
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Dafydd Hardy, Bangor

Reviewed 10 July 2018
Fairly helpful. Letting fees very reasonable. Easy to contact except on weekends. Pretty good
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Dafydd Hardy, Bangor

Reviewed 10 July 2018
They are quite responsive and helpful when contacted, either by email or on the phone, although I was regularly put through to the Caernarfon office when I rung up. They sometimes did not give adequate warning when they had scheduled a house viewing at the property.
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