16 Warkworth Street

Market, Cambridge, CB1 1EG
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Landlord Property Area
⭐ Tenancy review
16 Warkworth Street, Cambridge - Beware of landlord
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Overall tenancy rating
Moved out
Date reviewed
12 July 2017

Susan Hegarty, Cambridge

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Landlord rating
Landlady has a habit of entering the property without notifying tenants (we experienced this ourselves and were later told of this by the tenant we sublet from). We were screamed at, threatened with the police being called, and sent numerous threatening emails demanding eviction at shorter and shorter notice because the landlords had a dispute with the person we sublet from. They repeatedly insulted my intelligence and I was told I was 'illegal' numerous times. I had to negotiate carefully to avoid an instantaneous eviction whilst 6 months pregnant, despite having paid my rent and working hard to make the flat as nice as possible. Was accused of 'destroying the property' when nothing was broken. If for some reason you want to rent here, make sure to check your legal rights and document every door and wall very carefully to avoid extra charges. The landlords announced their intention to keep many months of rent money which had already been paid by the tenant from whom we sublet. Could have stayed to fight illegal eviction but didn't want the stress. Be careful with these people.
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16 Warkworth Street, Market, Cambridge

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Property rating
The property was a basement flat which was very damp and smelled bad. We tried to clean and freshen the place up as much as possible but it was not possible to get the smell out.
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Market, Cambridge

4 ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Area rating
Very central, overall a nice area to live in as it's very close to Parkers Piece and some nice pubs and restaurants.
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