22 North Gardner Street

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Landlord Letting Agent Property Area
⭐ Tenancy review
Would rather sleep in a tent
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Overall tenancy rating
Moved out
Date reviewed
11 October 2023

Omer Farhan-alanie, Birmingham

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Landlord rating
Never met the guy, never introduced himself, wouldn’t let us have his contact details for an emergency. Straight up out for money. Seemed shifty as anything because we had told him we were moving out and then the letting agent had asked for another workie to come out before hand, we said we couldn’t have that as we where on holiday for a week. As soon as this information was passed back to him he said he was coming to do an inspection, a mere week before we moved out and he would let himself in with a key. We obviously said absolutely not we don’t know this guy and from everything we could make out about him we do not trust him alone in our flat with our stuff. You’ve gotta ask yourself why he would try let himself into a flat just because he knows the tenants are going away. Asked the letting agent to ask for a rent reduction because we were put out financially having to wait in for workies, not being able to keep food in the fridge for weeks, having to find other places to have a hot shower and his only response was that he couldn’t do this as he had to pay for all the repairs. Man didn’t seem to understand it’s his obligation to pay for the maintenance of his own property. Took photos for our end of tenancy report AFTER he moved furniture around and then tried to charge us for moving the furniture. Would rather sleep in a box than have this money hungry man as my landlord again.
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Slater Hogg & Howison, Glasgow

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Letting Agent rating
Horrific I have never come across such useless, lazy and downright rude individuals. Problems and questions weren’t being passed onto our landlord. Any issue we had over a weekend was ignored. Spoke to like dirt because we dared to complain. Refused to pass us on to a manager. Waste of space individuals. Refused to send us our inventory report so we could return stuff to the correct place leading us to be charged for things not being where they should be. Criminal
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22 North Gardner Street, Partick Eastkelvindale, Glasgow

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Property rating
The property looked great upon first viewing but when we moved in there was a mountain of issues. The kitchen wiring was over loaded which caused blackouts and eventually the fridge to blow up. The fridge/freezer was never repair and was the final blow that made us move out which meant we went 6 weeks with nowhere to store fresh or frozen food. There was gaps in the fuse box, constant leaks, the boiler was referred to as prehistoric by a boiler engineer which in turn broke in the middle of winter and we where left with no heating for days and no hot water for weeks. When the blackouts started we found that the dishwasher and washing machine were connected to an outlet through using two extension cords, one directly under the sink and there had been a leak into these. Eventually an electrician came out and recommended a rewiring of the kitchen but the landlord, being cheap, opted to fit another outlet. This did not fix the problem. The house was damp, when we moved out I found boxes of my stuff coated in mould. The place was rammed full of unnecessary cheap furniture. The flat hadn’t been cleaned at all when we moved in with rotting meat in the fridge and they still slapped us with a cleaning bill when we left the place spotless in comparison. We cleaned the property after moving in and just asked that a cleaner be sent for the appliances. The cleaner just cleaned over what we had already done and never touched the appliances but since these agreements where all made over the phone we couldn’t “prove this” to get out of paying the cleaning bill. Mould in the bathroom caused by leak which took 2 months just to get someone out to fix the leak but never touched the mould. Tried to charge us for this but couldn’t.
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Partick Eastkelvindale, Glasgow

9 ★★★★★★★★★☆
Area rating
Can’t fault the location it’s ideal for the west end but you’ll not get to enjoy it because your time will be taken up fighting tooth and nail for basic human rights
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