64 White Street
Partick Eastkelvindale, Glasgow, G11 5EB
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⭐ Tenancy review
1/1 64 White Street
6 ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Overall tenancy rating
Moved out
Date reviewed
30 January 2018
Happy Lets, Glasgow
5 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Letting Agent rating
Happy Lets are nice enough compared to other estate agents I've dealt with. On moving out I wouldn't recommend going over-board with cleaning - I spent hours and hours making sure it was immaculate and still got charged a cleaning fee, even though I'm not certain a cleaning company was ever hired between tenancies.
I think we may have also had to pay the bogus admin fees on signing the lease which I'm pretty sure is illegal for them to charge but because it's so competitive to bag a HMO flat in that area we didn't feel able to dispute it. I'm not sure if they still would charge this fee as it was a few years ago.
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I think we may have also had to pay the bogus admin fees on signing the lease which I'm pretty sure is illegal for them to charge but because it's so competitive to bag a HMO flat in that area we didn't feel able to dispute it. I'm not sure if they still would charge this fee as it was a few years ago.
64 White Street, Partick Eastkelvindale, Glasgow
6 ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Property rating
Three bed flat, kitchen and bathroom. No living or dining room though space in the hall to add a table - we had one when we lived there but were told we couldn't leave it for the next tennants due to HMO restrictions. It's a decent enough property - good for students - and generally warm enough (unless you have the big room at the front with the bay window as it could get a bit chilly in the winter). It isn't a beautiful flat but it did the job!
Partick Eastkelvindale, Glasgow
8 ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Area rating
Great area for Byre's Road and Glasgow uni, close to Partick too so handy for transport and the Morrisons supermarket there. Nearby Cafezique is also amazing. The neighbours were sometimes a little loud but never bothered us much.
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